
Välkommen / Welcome!


    Eshet chayil mi yimtsa


    verachok mip'ninim michra


    Batach ba lév bala


    veshalal lo yechsar


    Gemalathu tov velora


    kol yemé chayeha


    darsha tsemer ufishtim


    vata'as bechéfets kapeha


    Haita kaoniot sochér


    mimerchak tavi lachma


    vetakam beod laila


    vatitén teref leveitah vechok lena'roteiha


    zamma sade vatikachéhu


    mipri chapeiha nat'a kare


    chagra beoz motneiha


    vateaméts z'rooteha


    A worthy wife is more precious than corals.


    Her husband trusts her,


    he will not want for anything.


    She does him good and no evil


    every day of her life.




    She makes arts and crafts from wool and flax.


    Like the trade ship, she fetches the bread from far




    She gets up before the sun rises


    and feeds her household and her servants.


    She plants vineyards with her own hands.


    She girds her loins, and her arms are strong.

ett skott av en skicklig jägare